Carmit Berdugo Cohen presents:


Unlock the MAGIQ method and elevate yourself to become a respected, authoritative, and influential leader within your organization. Experience a dramatic transformation in the quality performance of traditional and advanced manufacturing, service, and high-tech industries.

You are 6 months away from a life-changing career and personal transition

Did you know that a significant majority of quality managers often feel unappreciated, undermined, and overlooked? This happens because their value to the organization and their contributions are not fully understood.
Quality managers are often not included in decision-making processes, not given dedicated teams or allocated budgets, and their salaries are not elevated accordingly. On the contrary, they are frequently excluded from critical decisions, or even face demotion, replacement, or termination, while their peers are promoted.
This exclusion creates a vicious cycle. Quality managers struggle to uplift their teams without the necessary resources, leading to a lack of trust and respect from their team members. This robs them of the power to overcome challenges and diminishes their motivation to succeed.
Without the right support, quality managers tirelessly strive to transform the knowledge in their minds into practical tools and measurable outcomes, yet they remain misunderstood and unsupported. Instead of rising, quality declines. Recurring quality issues plague their work, customers voice their dissatisfaction, and the organization suffers from defects and returns. The same complaints resurface, causing significant harm to both customers and the company.
This predicament arises from their inability to hit the mark, to generate truly effective corrective actions that meet customer expectations. They fail to identify gaps on time and lack the proactive approach needed to excel.

And How Can You Really Be Proactive When Management Doesn't Listen to You?

Do you ever feel like your communication about quality falls on deaf ears? Like management isn’t mobilized to action, no matter how much you try to explain the need for improvement?
You might struggle to present a strategic and holistic plan to improve quality because you’re constantly dealing with issues and setbacks. You know that if you could inspire collaboration within the organization, with streamlined processes and improvement initiatives, you could significantly reduce customer complaints and returns.
Despite being specifically recruited and trained for the task, do you find that management often turns to other managers for assistance when confronted with challenging customer issues? This behavior stems from a lack of confidence and a belief that you’re not competent enough to handle such situations yourself.
If only there was a formula that could solve all the organization’s problems. If only there was an organized work plan that everyone from top management to junior employees committed to. If only you had the practical knowledge to identify significant gaps within the organization and the ability to engage with each management member and motivate them to invest in quality.
Without these solutions, people might not collaborate with you, and management might not see you as a professional authority capable of leading and driving change. As a result, the outcomes of the quality system could continue to deteriorate, customer complaints could increase, and process gaps could widen.
This lack of support and recognition could lead to a decrease in management’s commitment to your role and a diminishing collaboration within the organization. They might give you lip service, but they won’t do much with your ideas, if at all.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. With the right training and support, you can overcome these challenges and become a respected and effective quality manager. Discover how with the MAGIQ method.

Do You Recognize the Impact of These Recurring Failures?

When your voice goes unheard, it’s not just frustrating – it can have serious consequences. People might not collaborate with you, and management might not see you as a professional authority capable of leading and driving change. As a result, the outcomes of the quality system could continue to deteriorate, customer complaints could increase, and process gaps could widen.
But all of this can change. Now, it’s your turn to choose from a position of power! With the right training and support, you can overcome these challenges and become a respected and effective quality manager. Discover how with the MAGIQ method.

But All Of This Can Change Because Now It's Your Turn To Choose From A Position Of Power!

Here’s your chance to redefine the compass needle of your career!

Then everyone will recognize your contribution as a talent.
You’ll become a valuable figure that the organization needs to invest in to retain.

Where Will This New Knowledge
And Power Come From?

The answer lies in the MAGIQ formula. This transformative approach will elevate you to become a respected, authoritative, and influential leader within your organization. It’s designed to dramatically improve quality performance across various sectors, including traditional and advanced manufacturing, services, and even the high-tech industry. With MAGIQ, you’ll have the tools and strategies you need to make a significant impact and drive meaningful change.

Follow in the Footsteps of My Successful Graduates

Your performance will greatly contribute to making your organization smarter, more efficient, and more successful, both internally and towards customers and suppliers.
Management will recognize the high value created by your actions. They’ll want to hear from you, listen attentively, and support you in implementing your proposals by allocating resources and budgets.
As your success grows, so will your authority within the organization. More people will listen to you and make greater efforts to retain you in the organization and keep you satisfied. This includes salary increases and bonuses.
Your capabilities will improve rapidly. Skills such as strategic thinking, critical analytical thinking, leadership, personal charisma, and effortless persuasion will all improve.
The organization will be highly satisfied because all of these improvements will be achieved through increased organizational involvement and commitment.
Your salary will increase, and your quality of life will improve.
People will learn from you how to create success within the organization and how you have brought a spirit of innovation.
In the quality field, the number of fire extinguishing events will decrease dramatically.
Your time will be invested in the things that provide the most value. Your contribution to creating more and more successes will become a critical mass that everyone will see.
It will be very clear to you what to do in your role, just like the sun at noon. Moreover, management will see you as an important asset to the organization’s growth.
Your team members will be able to move around the organization with pride, knowing that your work is excellent and that they are valued.
Remember, this transformation won’t happen overnight, and the process of improvement for an individual or an organization is never linear. There will be crises and disappointments, undoubtedly. But above all, there will be a strong trend of improvement and empowerment.

To join the MAGIQ program Enter your details and click the button

Click the button below to get started. This will trigger an email to you with the MAGIQ Onboarding Form.  Take your time to fill out and submit the form. Then, we’ll schedule a call to review your application and ensure a good fit.

These methods of quality assurance have been successfully applied

by over 43 quality managers in these organizations:

ICL Group, Israel Electric Company, Arad Technologies, Mekorot, Shamir Optica, Israelizer

and a variety of private consultants

What Can You Expect from the MAGIQ Program?

Within 6 weeks: Working plan

You’ll develop a comprehensive work plan outlining key areas for improvement. This plan will serve as your roadmap, guiding your efforts and ensuring you stay on track.

Within 12 weeks: Mgmt buy-in

You’ll develop a comprehensive work plan outlining key areas for improvement. This plan will serve as your roadmap, guiding your efforts and ensuring you stay on track.

Within 16 weeks: Plan execution

You’ll begin executing your work plan. This is where the real transformation begins as you start to implement the strategies and initiatives you’ve developed.

Within 6 months: Quality improved

You’ll start to see noticeable improvements in quality: fewer customer complaints, reduced defects and returns, and an overall increase in customer satisfaction and organizational efficiency.

What's Included in the MAGIQ Program?

The program offers bi-weekly lessons complemented by practical exercises, weekly meetings for Q&A sessions, progress reviews, and continuous support. Additionally, participants will have exclusive access to a dedicated Facebook group for further collaboration and insights.


מפגש 1

שם המפגש: Mind your VAG

תוצרי השיעור: תהיה לך ביד רשימה מפורטת שתעזור לך למפות  את הגורמים היוצרים פערי איכות בין החלטות ההנהלה וביצוען בפועל.
הרשימה תכלול את התהליכים וסוגי ההתנהגות בארגון התורמים לכך.

בשיעור אחשוף אותך צעד אחר צעד לשיטה מובנית ומוכחת, שתחסוך לך זמן רב של ניסוי וטעיה, יחד עם כמות גדולה של תסכולים אישיים וארגוניים.

נלמד ונבין לעומק מדוע יש פער בין הדברים שההנהלה מצהירה שהיא מחויבת להם באיכות הארגון, לבין מה שקורה בו בפועל. נזהה את הדברים שצריך לתקן בתהליכים הארגוניים כדי למזער את הפער בין מילים למעשים.  

עבודת בית: המשך מיפוי הפערים בין הצרכים בארגון למענה הניתן.


מפגש 2

שם המפגש: Articulate your JOLT

תוצרי השיעור: נדע איך ליצור תקשורת נכונה בין מחלקות בארגון ולצמצם פערי איכות. נבין את המחירים שהארגון משלם עבור פערי איכות וכיצד להציג אותם נכון.

תובנות אלה והפעולות שייעשו על ידך בעקבותיהן, יעניקו לך ידע נרחב והבנה מעמיקה והוליסטית של צרכי הארגון, ויאפשרו לך לבנות תוכנית אסטרטגית מקיפה לשיפור האיכות.

בנוסף, ברגע שיש לך תוכנית כל כך מקיפה, ירצו שתציג אותה בכל פורום אסטרטגי אפשרי, כולל מפגשים עם לקוחות.

נלמד גם את נוסחת JOLT הסודית, שתעזור לך לקבל קשב בכל מחלקות  הארגון ומכל מי שברצונך לקבל ממנו עזרה. 

עבודת בית: מיפוי סיכונים בארגון ותעדוף האזהרות.


מפגש 3

שם המפגש: Grasp your Blind Spot

תוצרי השיעור: איתור נקודות עיוורות בבקרת איכות בחלקים נוספים בארגון.

כמו בנהיגה במכונית, כשעוקפים אותך יש נקודה מתה שבה אינך רואה
את הרכב העוקף. כך בארגון, וזוהי מערכת סיבות עיקרית להיווצרות התנגשויות.
איך מונעים את הטעויות  שמקורן בעיוורון מסוג זה?

עד היום עשית דברים בצורה מסוימת והגעת לתוצאות בהתאם. מעכשיו
נלמד לעשות דברים בצורה שונה, להתמקד בדברים הנכונים שיובילו לשיפור
מקסימלי. נזהה בצורה הוליסטית ורוחבית את צרכי הארגון וכל אחד מהמשתתפים יבנה תוכנית עבודה מערכתית לשיפור האיכות.

בשיעור נרחיב את הידע והיכולות שלך בשיטת איתור הנקודות המתות בארגון שלך. כמו כן נלמד על הנקודות המתות הנפוצות ביותר בארגונים, בהתבסס על מחקר מעמיק של בעיות האיכות הגדולות, החשובות והחמורות ביותר ב 100 השנים האחרונות.

השיעור הזה יעזור לך במידה מכרעת לזהות  נקודות דמיון קרובות מאוד לאלה שאתאר בשיעור.

עבודת בית: זיהוי נקודות עיוורון בארגון שלך, בהסתמך על הנקודות הנפוצות בארגונים.


מפגש 4

שם המפגש: Implement lesson learned

תוצרי השיעור: נוסיף לתוכנית תהליך למידה מטעויות כלל ארגוניות

כתוצאה, נלמד איך להציג את הטיעונים שלך לשכנע את ההנהלה להשקיע באיכות.

שיעור זה יוקדש ללמידה מטעויות. כך תהיה לך אפשרות ליצור שיתופי פעולה בתוך הארגון, כולל כמובן שיפור בתקשורת בו. ההשפעה שלך תתחזק,  ומחויבות ההנהלה לאיכות תגדל. 

נבין בו למה רוב הארגונים נכשלים ללמוד מהטעיות של עצמם, ויותר מכך מטעויות של אחרים. נדע אילו שינויים מהותיים באפשרותך לעשות בארגון כדי לשנות זאת ובאמת ליצור למידה משמעותית מטעויות. 

עבודת בית: תעדוף נקודות התורפה באיכות בארגון


מפגש 5

שם המפגש: Qllaborate

תוצרי השיעור: תהיה לך רשימה של הפעולות הנדרשות כדי לקבל מחויבות כלל-ארגונית לתוכנית העבודה שלכם.

כאן נמשיך להקים את הבסיס היציב שיגרום לך להפוך למנהיג ארגוני משמעותי.

בניית תוכנית האיכות האסטרטגית תתקדם תחת הובלתך, תוך כדי יצירת שיתופי פעולה ארגוניים. המון אנשים יבואו ללמוד ממך איך הצלחת להרים את הנושא המקצועי שתחת אחריותך, והרף שקבעת יהפוך לתו האיכות החדש.

המילה Qllaborate היא הלחם שיצרתי בין המילה Quality והמילה Collaborate והמשמעות היא להוביל איכות בצורה שיתופית, הגברת המעורבות של העובדים  בארגון. נלמד מהם הצעדים הנדרשים כדי ליצור מחויבות בארגון להצלחה של התוכנית האסטרטגית לשיפור האיכות.

עבודת בית: הגשת מפה וקבלת משוב מפורט


Mind your VAG

In this game-changing module, we delve into the heart of your organization, identifying unseen processes and behaviors that create disconnects between managerial decisions and quality execution. We’ll guide you through a structured method to expose and address these gaps, saving you countless hours of trial and error and preventing the frustration that comes with unfulfilled quality standards.


Articulate your JOLT

This dynamic session unlocks the secrets to effective inter-departmental communication and minimizing quality gaps. We’ll arm you with the skills to compellingly articulate the hidden costs of these gaps, empowering you to craft a comprehensive strategic plan for quality improvement that resonates with every level of your organization.


Grasp your Blind Spot

Just like a driver, an organization has blind spots that can lead to errors and inefficiencies. We’ll help you identify these areas and construct a systematic plan for quality enhancement, broadening your understanding and skills in pinpointing your organization’s blind spots.


Implement lesson learned

This module is dedicated to the art of learning from mistakes. We’ll learn how to transform errors into opportunities for growth and improvement, fostering a culture of quality that permeates every level of your organization.



In this final stage, we’ll secure organizational commitment to your work plan, building not just a plan, but your leadership capabilities. We’ll explore the necessary steps to foster organizational commitment, ensuring the success of your strategic quality improvement plan.

Ready to join? Here's What You Need to Do:

To proceed, simply click the button below.

Once you do, you’ll be seamlessly redirected to a secure payment page.

Typically, the investment for this course is 3,894 USD.
However, by joining now, you’ll benefit from a 53% discount.
This means your investment 
 3,894 USD 
ONLY 1,830 USD.

Why am I offering such a significant discount
for a 6-month program?

The value of this program is immeasurable, and even at its full price, it’s worth every dollar.

One only needs to witness the remarkable outcomes of my past course graduates to realize that the investment not only pays for itself but yields returns many times over—and in a remarkably short span.

However, as this is the inaugural run of the program, I’ve chosen to offer the first group a special introductory rate. Remember, those who act swiftly will benefit the most!

In essence, when you join the MAGIQ training program

You get a huge discount of 53% 

which will end on November 1, 2023

Click the link and join while the opportunity lasts!

But Wait, There's More!

Enroll in the MAGIQ program now, and you’ll also receive three exclusive bonuses designed to turbocharge your organization’s quality improvement efforts, enhance internal communication, and empower you to shine as a quality professional.

Bonus 1:

The Winning Quality Presentation Guide

This is my secret weapon for crafting compelling quality reports and management surveys. Learn how to deliver engaging presentations that increase management commitment and position you as an authority in your organization.

Worth 170 USD

number (9)

Bonus 2:​

Your Perfect Elevator Speech

Ever struggled to explain your role as a Quality Manager? I’ll guide you in crafting the perfect elevator speech that showcases your unique value and promotes your professional growth. You can even use it on LinkedIn!

Worth 150 USD

Bonus 3:​​

Monthly Group Meetings for a year!

I understand that by the end of the program, you might have questions and need guidance. Rest assured, I’m here for you. Every month, you can attend our meeting armed with any questions, doubts, or new topics that have arisen. If there’s something you’re unsure about or need direction on, I’m here to provide answers. You won’t be left in the dark. An added bonus of these meetings is the chance to hear about the challenges faced by others, learn how they tackle them, and adopt fresh strategies and approaches.

Worth 1500 USD

I’ve got a few extra surprises tucked away for later…
The total value of these bonuses = 1,820 USD.
The total value of the 6-month program = 3,650 USD.
number (10)

Exclusive Bonus for Early Birds!

For the initial 10 sign-ups only:

Huge discount, both bonuses, and a worthwhile gift!

A gift worth  400 USD

Strategic Planning Session

for Optimal Outcomes
From the MAGIQ course

(spots still open)

What Others Say About My Approach


We introduced the course to our quality managers in Israel with the intention of equipping them with practical quality management tools. We aimed to offer a fresh perspective and hands-on tools rather than rehashing theories. To our delight, it was exactly what they needed. Each participant tackled a project – a problem they faced on-site, and with the tools from the course, they were able to solve it. The lessons are very practical, and the tools are hands-on. We plan to extend the course to our quality managers abroad, so it’s undoubtedly been a success.

Michal Tarshish

Global Quality Manager,


Carmit’s inspiring approach successfully refines and sharpens the principles every quality manager should know and act upon. Her training is unique and practical, enabling quality managers from various industries to enhance their performance and elevate their organizational status. I highly recommend this course to anyone who values the quality domain and wants to advance in the field.

Motti Comforti

VP of OpEx


I attended the Quality Leader program while transitioning between jobs and seeking professional development tools. It certainly delivered. It’s not easy to bring your agenda to a new workplace, but the course helped me change my mindset and taught me how to effectively communicate the new approach to colleagues and management. My attitude towards the quality system has changed, and the way I convey this externally has increased collaboration, both from management and the team.

Ina Freikman

Quality Manager


As a quality professional at every organizational level and a passionate advocate of methods and tools for organizational excellence, I felt obligated to enroll in the the Quality Leader program, developed by Carmit Berdugo-Cohen. In my work as a quality and regulatory consultant, I engage with numerous companies and am required to provide creative solutions to a wide range of quality issues. Carmit’s method helped me see things from a different perspective…”

Sharon Raznik

Quality and Regulation Consultant


I really enjoyed being part of the Quality Leader training.
This training brought me different view on how the problems/challenges in Quality can be solved in different way using the method in real life case. During the training we were working on our cases and it helps us to find solutions and improvements.
I would also recommend it to my colleagues.
Thank you for really nice workshop.
Naďa Pavčová
Quality Specialist


For me the training was very useful; it is not per se that I gained brilliant new insights, but for me the combination of tools / techniques gave me a new insight how to be more successful. I will definitely apply it more and more in the future. The way it was set-up was very nice with a specific audience and not-too-long interactive sessions. It was also interesting to learn from the recognizable “struggles” from my colleagues. It helps me find ways to improve processes, which are frustrating me since the “normal” ways to improve don’t seem to work anymore. 

Remco Bitter

Quality Manager,

To join the MAGIQ program Enter your details and click the button

Click the button below to get started. This will trigger an email to you with the MAGIQ Onboarding Form.  Take your time to fill out and submit the form. Then, we’ll schedule a call to review your application and ensure a good fit.


With a full warranty certificate for the MAGIQ training program,

you are protected from all possible risks.

Since I know that the MAGIQ program will improve your overall ability in the field of quality management, and in the process, you will achieve significant improvements in many areas, I want to give you 30 days warranty.

If within 30 days starting from the day of purchase, you are not satisfied with the program, you have the option of talking to me or writing me a return email and you can get all your money back without questions. As you have noticed, your only option is to earn!

Nice to Meet You, If We Haven't Already.

I’m Carmit Berdugo Cohen

I didn’t always dream of being a quality manager. 
In fact, the MAGIQ program was born out of my mid-life crisis.
I stumbled upon the quality field by accident. I was pursuing a second degree in performance studies at the Technion when a low exam score made me realize that it wasn’t the right path for me. So, I switched to studying quality at the Technion because it seemed practical and accessible.
Before I knew it, I was immersed in the industry. But truth be told, I didn’t love this profession called quality until I turned 40. I didn’t find it fulfilling or empowering. Instead, I felt insignificant and constantly looked for ways out, exploring other potential roles within the organization like marketing, procurement, or human resources.
I understood the critical importance of quality in keeping an organization at the top, and I made sure to communicate this at every opportunity. However, I struggled to drive the organization forward. I found myself repeatedly emphasizing quality requirements and asking people to follow necessary processes, but to no avail. I knew what needed to be done, but I didn’t know how to make it happen.
I spent years searching for a solution, taking almost every course available, not just in quality, but also in leadership and persuasion. I invested a lot of time and effort into learning.
Just before my 40th birthday, it seemed like I was making progress. The organization was listening, I was achieving milestones, and there were successes. But this success was short-lived. A series of customer complaints reached the highest levels in the organization, and all eyes turned to me. I felt responsible for the crisis and the organization’s losses.
That’s when I took matters into my own hands. I had to do things differently, reinvent myself, and reorganize the entire quality system. And it worked. Within a year, I achieved industry-leading results. People came to learn from me. I built a strong organizational commitment to quality and significantly improved customer satisfaction.
That’s when I realized that it was possible to experience the quality profession differently – through success, organizational commitment, leadership, and passion for the profession. I wanted to come to work every day with sparkling eyes. Since then, I’ve been determined to ensure that no quality manager feels the way I did. I want everyone to experience the atmosphere of success, just like I did.

Frequently asked Q&A

The MAGIQ program is designed to be versatile and adaptable, making it suitable for a wide range of industrial and service organizations. This includes light and heavy industry, traditional and knowledge-rich organizations, medical institutions, software companies, and high-tech organizations.
The MAGIQ program is designed to help you focus on what’s most important. It provides immense value for quality improvement and career advancement. Throughout the program, your knowledge will greatly expand, and I will teach you how to save time by focusing on what truly matters to your organization and your success. The emphasis is on high-value activities.
While there may be cheaper training programs available, the MAGIQ course is unique. It was created after examining most of the well-known training programs and is designed to build on your initiative skills and provide a comprehensive understanding of quality issues in your organization. The toolkit that you’ll have at your disposal during and after the program will make you an invaluable asset to your organization. This is what sets it apart. The investment in this program is likely to be rewarded with bonuses and salary increases. It has been the case for me and many of my students.
Absolutely, the MAGIQ program is designed to cater to both beginners and experienced quality managers. The program offers a comprehensive understanding of quality management principles and practices, making it an invaluable resource for those new to the field. It will guide you in creating a quality plan that will gain buy-in within your organization. 
For seasoned quality managers, the MAGIQ program can offer fresh perspectives and innovative strategies that you may not have encountered before. It will provide you with new tools and techniques to enhance your existing quality plan and ensure it continues to receive strong support within your organization.
The MAGIQ program is delivered online, making it accessible no matter where you are. This format allows for flexibility and convenience, enabling you to learn at your own pace and in your own time.
After completing the MAGIQ program, you’ll continue to have access to the course materials and resources. The knowledge and skills you’ve gained will serve as a lasting toolkit for your quality management career. Additionally, the connections you’ve made with other quality professionals during the program can provide ongoing support and collaboration opportunities.

What are your options for moving forward quickly and effectively?

Have you ever paused to consider the real impact of a single customer complaint or a quality mishap on your organization?

How much time do your managers invest in investigating each issue?

What’s the cost in terms of internal communication, and then relaying the problem to the affected customer?

How much capital, manpower, and resources are channeled into rectifying these issues?

Now, think about the potential long-term repercussions:

Could you be missing out on bonuses or promotions?

What if that disgruntled customer decides to sever ties with your company?

Or perhaps they reduce their orders, seeking alternatives elsewhere?

In the worst-case scenario, could these issues lead to layoffs?

Many organizations estimate the cost of poor quality to be a substantial chunk of their sales, sometimes running into hundreds of thousands or even millions. Now, juxtapose that with the investment in this course. Isn’t it a fraction in comparison?

Click the link and join as long it is possible